Baby-sitter, newspaper seller, waitress, hostess, etc., part-time jobs that captivate so many young people! Part-time jobs allow students to finance their studies. There are many different types of part-time jobs that help students earn extra money. Here are some ideas for jobs that might interest you if you are a student.
Hotel and restaurant industry
The hospitality industry is one of the sectors that employs a large mass of students. Among the jobs available to students in this sector are several positions such as barman, waiter, receptionist, night watchman and dishwasher. Most of these jobs do not require any specific qualifications other than availability and courtesy. During the summer, restaurant professionals publish hundreds of job ads for students.
Jobs in the industry are stressful and fast-paced. Students generally work shifts (nights, weekends and holidays). Although experience is an asset, it is often optional. Those who work in large hotels or in restaurants located in tourist areas must be fluent in English. Depending on the case, the employer and the student agree on a preliminary agreement (CDD, CDI, seasonal contract...) at the time of hiring.
Education and tutoring
Among the student profiles in the field of education and tutoring, we can mention a few positions such as university campus supervisor, sports animator, school supervisor and babysitter. This last one is very popular. Because of the flexible hours it provides, babysitting attracts so many enthusiasts. This little job does not require a specific diploma. It does, however, require a good understanding with children. A babysitter can get some money for an evening or a weekend.
Moreover, private tutoring is of interest to many young people. They offer their support in exchange for a fee. This service can be provided on a regular basis or on a seasonal basis (during the summer vacations, for example). It is often offered by Master students. Small jobs in the education sector allow students to choose their own hours. These options are recommended if you get along very well with the young public.
Sales and reception
The reception and sales jobs recruit student employees from time to time. Positions include salespeople, cashiers, newspaper distributors, theater ushers, and sales animators. The industry offers many job opportunities throughout the year. However, small jobs in the field require special qualities such as speed, mobility and availability. In short, the list of jobs for students is far from exhaustive; you should choose a job that suits your study schedule and your personality.
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